
Here are the main projects I have been working on. For a full list of publications, please visit my Google scholar page.

Planning and Control under Uncertainty

Planning for Robust Open-loop Pushing: Exploiting Quasi-static Belief Dynamics and Contact-informed Optimization.

Jankowski J., Brudermüller L., Hawes N. and Calinon S.

Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR). 2024.

Arxiv Video

CC-VPSTO: Chance-Constrained Via-Point-based Stochastic Trajectory Optimisation for Safe and Efficient Online Robot Motion Planning.

Brudermüller L, Berger G., Jankowski J., Bhattacharyya R., Calinon S., Jungers R. and Hawes N.

Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO). 2024.

Website Arxiv

Via-point based Planning and Control

VP-STO: Via-point-based Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Reactive Robot Behavior.

Jankowski J.*, Brudermüller L.*, Hawes N. and Calinon S. (*equal contribution).

IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2023.

Website Publication Code

From Key Positions to Optimal Basis Functions for Probabilistic Adaptive Control.

Jankowski J., Racca M. and Calinon S.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). 2022.

Publication Video

Making a Robot Play Air Hockey

AiRLIHockey: Highly Reactive Contact Control and Stochastic Optimal Shooting.

Jankowski J.*, Maric A.* and Calinon, S. (*equal contribution).

Winner of the NeurIPS Robot Air Hockey Challenge: Robust, Reliable, and Safe Learning Techniques for Real-world Robotics. 2023.

Website Paper

From Probability Distributions to Variable Impedance Control

Probabilistic Adaptive Control for Robust Behavior Imitation.

Jankowski J., Girgin H. and Calinon S.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). 2021

Publication Video